
Blog categorized as Gardening

What went wrong?
Spring is filled with new growth, beautiful flowers, and gardeners wondering what went wrong. Here are some of the most popular questions (and answers)
20.05.21 10:30 AM - Comment(s)
Ready for a lazy weekend?
Carson's favourite garden hacks for saving you work this summer so that you can enjoy the hammock just a little longer
16.05.21 06:34 PM - Comment(s)
Organic Weed Barrier Solution!
Ready to get rid of the weeds in your garden? How about if I told you they would be gone for 3 years? Here are my easy steps to do just that
21.03.21 07:24 PM - Comment(s)
Weeds in the gravel...a reader's question answered
A reader's question leads to a surprising answer! Got weeds in your gravel? Here is a simple solution
19.02.21 01:53 PM - Comment(s)
Take It Outside with Carson Arthur

As this is my inaugural blog, I think the best way for us to start our relationship is with a little honesty.


While I love plants and specifically moved to a farm to have more space for the gardens, I’m a landscape designer by trade.  Landscaping is more than just the plants; it includes a...

02.12.20 10:55 PM - Comment(s)