Garden life

Blog tagged as Garden life

Tree Trimming Time
Its time to prune your fruit trees! So bundle up and get your pruners ready.
31.01.22 07:10 PM - Comment(s)
Real Trees for Christmas
A real tree for the holidays is a tradition for so many homeowners. Make sure to choose the right one for your space and enjoy the season even more this year
14.11.21 07:06 PM - Comment(s)
Bulbs 101
Ready to plant bulbs? Now is the perfect time to create an amazing display for spring! Just make sure to follow these simple steps to get the most out of your flower bulbs!
03.10.21 03:18 PM - Comment(s)
The "But Why's"!?!
We all know that there are jobs that need to be done for fall, but when a 6 year old starts asking you know the real reason?
29.08.21 02:58 PM - Comment(s)
Harvest Time!
Don't let any of your hard-grown vegetables go to waste. Here are my favourite ways to preserve your harvest!
15.08.21 03:39 PM - Comment(s)